
Improving the availability of high quality learning opportunities for adults
Environment and fight against climate change
The Full Story
Most developing countries are experiencing a rising gap between labour-market demand in the water sector and the supply of adequately trained and qualified professionals.

The Water Sector
Is essential to providing clean water, making those who work in water related jobs also essential as without them, people wouldn’t be able to access this precious resource.
Water bodies remain under pressure from pollution sources, and Industry is a highly relevant stakeholder, handling 54% of the total use of water in human activities in the EU.
The physicochemical quality of industrial waters when turned into waste water is in most cases degraded, and therefore require proper treatment before being returned to the environment.
Industrial waste waters in Europe represent a stress for the environment especially in the context of climate change, even if in many Member states these waters are collected and treated in a water treatment plant and subsequently released to the environment. There are also situations in some countries, when these waters are directly released to a water body. The collection and treatment of waste waters is fundamental in the water cycle because it limits the negative impact on the environment we live in and for this reason the EU has fostered an ambitious level of protection across Member States.

Founded in 1971, the Bochum University of Applied Sciences is amid one of the largest clusters of academic establishments in Europe, with extensive experiences in large research projects. It supports the development of teaching skills and methodology in higher education, being appreciated for its green activities/ projects. The Civil Engineering department has special strengths in environment/water management
The company was funded in 1981 and managed to become a leader in water treatment offering clients from all over the world, from Europe to South Africa or South America, high quality products.Tecnoconsulting's main activity focuses on equipment/ technologies for cleaning industrial waters and is also a promoter of educational, cultural and socioeconomic processes.
Olpers was funded in 2020 by two ambitious partners with the aim to contribute at a leading Eu market in the field of environment-ecology, business creation and research. Olpers is active in the field of environment-waste water, technology transfer and elaboration of various analysis, market studies.

·Acknowledge, raise awareness about the need of skilled workforce in the field of environment/ industrial water management, thus address common needs in adult education
·Foster cooperation between institutions, build capacity to work transnationally
·Increase the recognition of adult education in achieving social inclusion
·Bring the EU dimension at national level
The battle against climate change is an urgent issue across the globe and a successful transition to a green economy will be possible only if workers will be able to adapt and transfer from areas of decreasing employment to other industries and if the existing human capital is maximised to develop new industries. The low carbon economy will determine the decline of some sectors, meaning that structural changes will create the need to realign those sectors and retrain workers accordingly.

Boost innovation in Education by making best use of digital technologies
Green skills in order to adapt products, services and processes to climate change and the related environmental requirements and regulations.
There is a strong need for key competences, in accordance with latest economical developments
Bring adult education closer to the environment

Organisations active in adult education, including research centres
Adults facing different barriers linked to training systems, difference in the technology used or various cultural obstacles
Public institutions like the chamber of commerce for example, institutions in Italy and Germany involved in water treatment sector
SMEs from galvanizing industry, metalworking, electrotechnical industry or painting

An analysis of actual limitations and bottlenecks of learning/ training opportunities for adults, how the problem can be tackled through transnational partnership
The MEF, a modern education framework for high quality learning opportunities for adults adapted to adult needs, in the context of present EU challenges, incorporating digital utilities.​

Adult education
Plays an important role in shaping the future of our society. Developing learning opportunities in present, has a powerful connection to sustainability in the future. Due to increasing privatisation and commercialisation of adult education, it becomes more and more difficult for the public sector to sustain funding and provide good quality of education. Ageing workforce is another reality, along with the slowdown risk affecting the workforce growth due to massive school drop-outs/ NEETS